Monday, February 10, 2014

Promotion, Snow grilling, Vickies and Grown Sexy

This past weekend we spent some time with family. On Friday I received amazing news and I was promoted at work!!!

Jumping up and down like I'm a 15 year old girl that just won tickets to Bruno Mars. - Yes that excited!

You know that feeling when you work hard and are honest and dedicated and it all pays off?! That's what I feel like right now. 

So after that amazing news Saturday my sister and niece Catalina came over. We lounged and in the evening -much snow grilling carne asada happened! Here's a shot of the delicious meat!!!

I caught the hubs with his brothers John and Jorge. -It was freezing but so delicious. 

The end of the night we wound down with some wine, good laughs and stories.

Then Sunday was Victoria Secrets special after hours sale. I was invited to attend with my friend Jenn and we had a blast. Great sales, music and raffles! 

The only issue I had was the weekend flew by oh so fast. 

....this weekend is Valentines Day. I secretly love this holiday!!! And yes there's always that one person that is bitter about it and says "I don't need a holiday to remind my loved ones I love them" or the even better statement around how overly commercialized it is. But as Lina would say "I don't care! I love it!!!" I like the idea that there's a day for love because let's face it our lives are busy and we forget. It's a nice reminder to give love, show love and make love. 

Now if only we can get a reservation. I'm thinking something Grown Sexy! Lol

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