Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The one about HBD Season

The birthday season is coming to a close and we have been super busy Rasmussens! 

This year has been a whirlwind of events. So many good things have happened and so many meh things. :)

I've experienced great time with our amazing family and friends (that are closer than any family I have ever known).  So on to the important topic at hand Happy Birthdays!!!! 

We kicked it off with a bang-my own birthday, then our niece was born March 6th followed by our precious Ems 10th, niece Emelie's 6th, niece Catalina's 3rd and finally our oldest Jason's 16th (4/18). (Insert deep breath here)!

Cakes/cupcakes??? Of course. Here's a sample of the cakes I made for Em and Catalina. 

-Emma's Frozen Cake

-Catalina's Minnie Mouse Cake and Cupcakes

It has been a good spring so far. 

But...I'm looking forward to wrapping up the spring birthdays and moving into anniversary and then summer (baby time)?! ❤️

-Until we meet again...