Friday, January 24, 2014

And the countdown begins...

As we sat watching The Bachelor (what I have dubbed revisit the old couples special) the other night my mind started to wander. Our 10 years of marriage is next spring in May and I have literally been thinking about a renewal every day for about the last few years. 

I know that sounds amazing! My planning kicked in already. Small, intimate and outdoors in a garden. 

But before all of that....My thoughts immediately went to vows. I know this will sound mushy but when I daydream it's about my Rolf. So vows come easily to me because he speaks to my soul every day not just one day or on special anniversaries. 

I didn't start into the where it will be and who will be there but instead went to all of the words and ways in the universe that express my unwavering love for him. 

It's probably no surprise that my love language is affirmation. And to me he is the definition of love in my heart, soul, mind and body...

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